WEBINAR RECORDING – Next Generation Science Standards: Exploring Ten Years of Progress in Science Education
Understand how to incorporate Next Generation Science Standards through NGSS Science Assessments in the systemwide approach to education.
The Power of NGSS-Aligned Science Assessment
Understand how to incorporate Next Generation Science Standards through NGSS Science Assessments in the systemwide approach to education.
Lazzaro at NSTA: Science Assessment Cannot Get Left Behind
New Meridian Science Director Chris Lazzaro told educators at the National Science Teaching Association that assessment cannot get left behind as the field continues to implement Next Generation Science Standards
Talking Science Assessment at NSTA
New Meridian Science Director Chris Lazzaro will discuss how to manage science assessment in today’s challenging environment at the National Science Teaching Association’s conference in May
Science Leaders Speak
New Meridian’s webinar, The Unique Challenges of Science Education in a Post-Pandemic World
The Very Best Case for Science Education
Last month was a big one for those of us who watch science education closely. In a matter of days, scores from two international science benchmarks, the PISA and TIMSS exams, were released. The results were mixed with cause for both optimism and concern, but both tests remind us of one very important truth: science […]
The Unique Challenges of Science Education in a Post-Pandemic World
Despite challenging conditions brought about by the pandemic, states continue their efforts to implement three-dimensional science standards—and it’s no simple task. Many states have spent years bringing standards into alignment, developing curricula, training teachers and creating assessments, and there’s still more work ahead. Now, that work must carry on in an environment where priorities, funding […]
Introducing the New Meridian Science Exchange
The New Meridian Science Exchange, which provides states with simple and cost-effective access to high-quality assessment items aligned to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), is launching this month. The exchange allows states flexible options such as drawing from a bank of test items to create NGSS-aligned assessments or contributing items to the bank to produce licensing […]