Despite challenging conditions brought about by the pandemic, states continue their efforts to implement three-dimensional science standards—and it’s no simple task.
Many states have spent years bringing standards into alignment, developing curricula, training teachers and creating assessments, and there’s still more work ahead. Now, that work must carry on in an environment where priorities, funding and even how education is delivered is highly uncertain.
That’s why New Meridian’s latest webinar will focus on how educators can highlight the value of science education and continue implementing Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in a post-pandemic world.
The panel will discuss topics that include the implications of distance science education and the growing equity gaps; the complexities of transitioning to three-dimensional science standards; how to address the difficulties of three-dimensional science assessment; and what can be done to keep science education in the local and federal spotlight.
“Science education is more vital now than ever,” said Athur VanderVeen, CEO of New Meridian. “We’re excited to convene veteran educators on a panel that will dive deeply into the challenges we face in science education and the solutions that are working around the country.”

The discussion will be moderated by James Pellegrino, a Professor of Psychology and Learning Sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Pellegrino is the former Dean of Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of Education and Human Development and a lifetime National Associate of the National Academy of Sciences. The panelists, all of whom have significant experience teaching science, will include:

Chris Lazzaro, Director of Science at New Meridian. Lazzaro has worked in science education for more than 15 years, most recently at the College Board, where he tackled projects such as professional development programs for science teachers, the AP Science redesign and the creation of the Science College Board Standards for College Success.

Tricia Shelton, who has worked with educators across the country to develop best practices in science and engineering education as a Professional Learning Facilitator and NGSS Implementation Team Leader. Shelton serves on the NGSS@NSTA Advisory Board and works as a NSTA Discover the NGSS Trainer and NGSS EQuIP Rubric National Trainer for Achieve.

Matt Krehbiel, Outreach Director for OpenSciEd. Krehbiel served as State Science Supervisor in Kansas, where he coordinated state development and adoption of NGSS. He is the former Science Director at Achieve and past president of the Council of State Science Supervisors.
Forty-four states representing 71 percent of U.S. students have education standards influenced by the Framework for K-12 Science Education or have adopted Next Generation Science Standards.
Our roundtable discussion will discuss the current challenges in science education and the critical changes needed to ensure children have the STEM skills to succeed in tomorrow’s workforce. Participants will learn what they can do to effect change in science programs today and how they can prepare for the future of science education.